
Learn more about metrics you see in the Apostro dashboard.

TVL (Total Value Locked)

TVL is a crucial metric used to gauge the overall size and activity of a DeFi platform or protocol. It represents the aggregate amount of assets, typically denominated in USD or a stablecoin, currently locked within a platform or protocol as collateral, staking, or liquidity provision. A higher TVL indicates increased usage and trust in the platform, making it a valuable indicator of a project's growth and adoption.


Borrows refer to the borrowed assets obtained by users by taking a loan from the lending protocol. Users deposit collateral (typically in the form of cryptocurrencies or stablecoins) to secure a loan, and they can then borrow funds based on the value of their deposited collateral. The total value of assets borrowed by all users on a platform constitutes the platform's borrows. The interest rates on these loans are determined by factors like supply, demand, and the platform's utilization rate.


Collateral is an asset deposited by a borrower in a DeFi lending platform to secure a loan. It serves as a form of insurance, ensuring that the borrower will repay the loan or face the liquidation of their collateral. The collateral value typically must exceed the value of the borrowed funds to account for market fluctuations and maintain the platform's solvency. Collateral can be in the form of cryptocurrencies, stablecoins, or tokenized assets, depending on the platform.


Supply refers to the total amount of an asset available for borrowing within a DeFi lending platform. Lenders deposit their assets to earn interest, which increases the supply pool. The more significant the supply, the more liquidity is available for borrowers, typically resulting in lower borrowing rates. Conversely, a lower supply may lead to higher interest rates to attract more lenders.


Utilization is a metric that measures the proportion of borrowed assets to the total supply available in a DeFi lending platform. It is usually expressed as a percentage and represents the efficiency with which assets are being utilized within the platform. A higher utilization rate indicates that a more significant portion of the supplied assets is being borrowed, which may lead to higher interest rates for both lenders and borrowers.

Impact Cost

Impact Cost shows the minimum price the attacker would pay for oracle manipulation by influencing the market. This figure depends on the amount of available liquidity, its distribution and TWAP set in the oracle. Lower impact costs indicate less liquid markets or less efficient platforms, leading to potential price slippage or difficulty in executing large trades without affecting the market or oracle price.

Risk Factor

Risk Factor is a metric that quantifies the potential risk of position liquidation and helps users assess the safety and stability of their positions. This metric operates on a scale ranging from 0 to 1, where a value of 0 signifies no risk and a value of 1 indicates imminent liquidation.

A lower Risk Factor suggests that the user's position is relatively secure and is not in immediate danger of being liquidated. In contrast, a higher Risk Factor, nearing 1, warns the user that their position is at significant risk of liquidation due to factors such as market volatility, collateral value fluctuations, or changing borrowing conditions.

Liquidation Threshold (LT)

The maximal borrow-to-collateral ratio reachable when creating a new position with token T as collateral. This number does not exceed 1.

Manipulated Token (MToken)

The token, which price is being manipulated in the considered scenario.

Total Supply

Value (in USD) supplied (as collateral or in any other form) in asset T across all positions in a specific pool.

Total Borrow

Value (in USD) borrowed in asset T across all positions in a specific pool.

Borrow Cap

Maximal value (in USD) that can be borrowed in asset T across all positions in a specific pool.

Supply Cap

Maximal value (in USD) that can be supplied (as collateral or in any other form) in asset T across all positions in a specific pool.

Bad debt

Value (in USD) of the loan exceeding collateral in a position. This value indicates a loss for liquidity miners. For example, a position with $1M collateral and a $1.1M loan will have $100K Bad Debt.

Last updated